
Africa Sustainability Hub (ASH) Launch

A new African sustainability research hub will make a “huge contribution” to promoting low carbon economic development in Kenya, according to a speech on Wednesday by Hon. Henry Rotich, Cabinet Secretary of the National Treasury. The speech was delivered by Prof Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, at a workshop on Low Carbon Development in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya.

Commonwealth Scholarships 2015

The UK Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is sponsoring 10 Scholarships for the UK Open University Master of Science in Environmental Management. This is a three year distance learning course, which commences in November 2015.

ACTS at Day 3 of COP 21, December 2nd, 2015

As negotiations entered their third day at COP, ACTS researchers participated in two high-level side-events on December 2nd, 2015. ACTS Executive Director, Dr. Cosmas Ochieng moderated a side event entitled, “Scaling Up Adaptation Action: Opportunities for Knowledge,” while ACTS Research Fellow Winnie Khaemba spoke at an event entitled, “Ecosystem Based Adaptation in Dryland Ecosystems.”

Dr. Rebecca Hanlin  interview with - All African students should get innovation training

Teaching innovation in universities would show future leaders that it’s about more than R&D, says Rebecca Hanlin.

Innovation is a hot topic these days in Africa. The success of African innovation and enterprise is increasingly recognised - examples include the mobile money-transfer service M-PESA for banking, bladeless wind turbines for energy and improved crop management mechanisms such as planting pits (‘zai’) for agriculture, to name just three sectors.

7th edition of the Water Dialogue

The ACTS inconjunction with WaterCap will co -host the 7th edition of the water dialogue on 26th June, 2014 at Strathmore Business School.

The theme is ‘Water Innovations and Entrepreneurship Research from Kenya' by Prof Nzula  Kitaka.
