Dr. Paul Orina


Paul Orina holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology from University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, a Master of Science Degree in Zoology with a bias to aquaculture from Moi University and a PhD in Animal Ecology from University of Eldoret with a focus on introduction of indigenous species to aquaculture. Paul is a fish breeding and genetics specialist and couples this with culture systems. He is keen on use of aquaculture not only for food security, nutrition, economics and job creation but also conservation of endangered freshwater indigenous species. He has a wide capture fisheries and aquaculture experience having spent 13 years working in Lakes Victoria, Turkana and Naivasha in Kenya and later joined aquaculture where he has served for 12 years now. Paul has published widely and supervised several local and international MSc and PhD students. He has previously held the position of National Chairman Hatcheries Authentication and Certification Committee as well as the Technologies Assessment Technical Team (TATT) under the Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP) and the country research expert under the AfDB Technologies for African Agriculture Transformation (TAAT). He currently doubles as the Assistant Director Freshwater Aquaculture and the Center Director KMFRI Kegati Aquaculture Center under the Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research institute (KMFRI). Paul has a global network in fisheries and aquaculture having co-led major aquaculture and fisheries projects such as the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant, part of UK Research and Innovation which brought together the UK, India, Tanzania and Kenya. Other regional projects include Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa ASARECA and kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Programme (KAPAP).
